On October 31 of this year, the Regulations affecting skilled worker applicants with intended destinations within Quebec were changed. A summary of the new selection criteria is presented below.
FEES: Principal applicant CAD $300
Each accompanying dependent $100
These changes to the fees were implemented slightly prior to the implementation of the Regulations described below.
In order to be considered as an Independent applicant in the skilled worker category, an individual must satisfy one of the following:
1) have at least 6 months full-time experience in a profession on the "open list";
2) have at least 6 months full-time experience and have "assured employment" (similar to "arranged" employment on the federal side);
3) have at least 6 months full-time experience and score at least 31 out of a possibility of 52 on the "Calculation of the Employability and Professional Mobility" factor - see Annex B;
Once the individual has met one of the above, then the following calculations are made:
1. Education (Maximum points: 17) Points
i) a. no secondary diploma 0
b. secondary diploma 3
c. post-secondary diploma 5
d. university diploma (1 yr) 6
e. university diploma (2yrs) 7
f. university (3yrs - 1st level) 8
g. university (2nd level) 10
h. university (3rd level) 11
ii) Second specialty
a. diploma (l year) 1
b. diploma (2 years or more) 2
iii) Privileged education (see Annex A)
a. Diploma on the list of "privileged education" 4
2. Employment (Maximum points: 15 - Minimum points: 7)
a. assured employment 15
b. on open list 12
c. scored at least 31 points under the "Employability and Professional Mobility" factor 7
3. Experience (Maximum points: 10- Minimum points: 1) 1 point per 6 months of full time working experience
4. Adaptability (Maximum points: 31)
i) personal qualities (Maximum points: 15) This is determined at the time of interview. The officer will consider the individual's qualities by asking simple questions that will permit the officer to evaluate the individual. The officer will be looking for: flexibility, sociability, dynamism, initiative, perseverance, self-confidence, sense of realism and maturity - all of these qualities in relation to the individual's professional and day to day life.
ii) motivation (Maximum points: 5) This also determined at the time of interview. The officer will consider the individual's motivation by asking simple questions that will permit the officer to evaluate the individual's motivation with respect to his/her emigration and his/her choice of the province of Quebec.
iii) knowledge of Quebec (Maximum points: 2) Again, this is determined at the time of the interview. The officer will ask questions relating to: the job market, the conditions of the individual's intended occupation, standards of living and weatherconditions.
iv) time spent in Quebec (Maximum points: 5)
a. studied or worked in Quebec for at least 6 months 5
b. visited for at least 2 weeks 2
v) relatives or friends in Quebec (Maximum points: 4)
a. if individual has a family member living in Quebec 4
b. if individual has a friend living in Quebec 2
5. Age (Maximum points: 10) 23 to 30 years old 10 points deduct 1 point per year after 30
6. Language (Maximum points: 23)
a. French
i) oral comprehension 6
ii) oral expression 5
iii) written comprehension 4
iv) educated at post secondary level in French 2
At interview, the officer will evaluate this factor by asking questions and by providing simple texts. The individual will then have to 1) understand questions relating to various aspects of everyday life, 2) answer these questions with complete sentences using proper grammar and proper pronunciation, and 3) read a short text and comprehend the general sense of it.
b. English (Maximum points: 6)
i) oral comprehension 3
ii) oral expression 3
The officer will determine this factor using the same tools as mentioned in "a".
7. Spouse's characteristics (Maximum points: 17)
Education (Maximum points: 5)
a) secondary diploma 2
b) post secondary diploma add 1 point
c) university diploma add 1 point
d) if completed a "Second Specialty" or has "Privileged Education" (see annex) add 1 point
Experience (Maximum points: 2)
a) 6 months to 1 year 1
b) more than 1 year 2
Age (Maximum points: 2)
a) 30 and under 2
b) 31 to 39 1
French (Maximum points: 8)
a) oral comprehension 3
b) oral expression
c) written comprehension 2
The officer will evaluate the spouse's language abilities in the same manner as the principal applicant.
8. Children (Maximum points: 8)
a) 12 years old and under 2 points per child
b) 13 to 17 1 point per child
9. Financial capabilities (Maximum points: 1 - Minimum points: 1)
Individual must be able to support self and dependents for at least 3 months (see annex to determine amount required)
*Please note that automobiles, furniture, jewelry are not acceptable.
PASSING MARKS: Applicant without spouse - 65 out of 115 Applicant with spouse - 75 out of 132
Annex A to Quebec Regulations Summary: LISTE DES FORMATIONS PRIVILEGEES
Cette liste est autorisee par le ministre responsable de la Loi sur l'immigration au Quebec
Formation de niveau universitaire
Sciences de la sante
Orthophonie et audiologie
Sante communautaire, epidemio1ogie, ergonomie
Sciences fondamentales de la sante
Sciences pures et appliquees
Genie aeronautique, genie aerospatiail *
Genie des pates et papiers *
Genie informatique et de la construction des ordinateurs
Phytotechnie *
Sciences humaines
Bibliotheconomie *
Didactique *
Formation de niveau collegial
Techniques biologiques (l'exception des techniques d'acupuncture, de denturologie, de radiodiagnostic, et de soins infirmiers) Techniques physiques
* Formation de niveau maitrise
a) Education (Maximum 17 units)
- completion of secondary 3
- completion of a post-secondary program 5
- completion of a 1 year university program 6
- completion of a 2 year university program 7
- completion of a 3 year university
program (1st level degree) 8
- completion of a 2nd level university degree 10
- completion of a 3rd level university degree 11
Note: all programs must have required full-time study
Second specialty
- completion of 1 year program that required full-time study 1
- completion of a program that required at least 2 years of full-time study 2
"Privileged education" - please refer to "Liste des Formations Privilegees"
- fields that require university education 4
- other 4
b) Experience (Maximum 5 units)
6 months 1
1 year 2
1 1/2 years 3
2 years 4
2 1/2 years or more 5
c) Age (Maximum 10 units)
23 to 30 10
31 9
32 8
33 7
34 6
35 5
36 and older 0
d) Knowledge of Languages (Maximum 11 units)
- Comprehension and oral expression of FRENCH 6
- Studies in FRENCH at post-secondary level 2
- Comprehension and oral expression of ENGLISH 3
e) Time spent in Quebec and connection with Quebec (Maximum 9 units)
- studies in Quebec 5
- visit of Quebec (2 weeks) 2
- relative in Quebec 4
- friend in Quebec 2
- Cette liste est autorisee par le ministre responsable de la Loi sur l'immigration au Quebec
- Cette liste indique les professions au sens de La Classification nationale des professions (CNP) autorisee par le ministre federal de l'Emploi et de l'Immigration
2162 Analystes de systemes informatiques
3141 Audiologistes et orthophonistes
Auteurs/auteures, redacteurs/redactrices et ecrivains/ecrivaines,
5121 specialistes en redaction technique avec maitrise du francais et de 1'anglais
2252 Designers industriels/designers industrielles
3132 Dietetistes et nutritionnistes
3143 Ergotherapeutes
Ingenieurs/ingenieures d'industrie et de fabrication, 2141 specialistes en reinginierie des methodes et procedes
Ingenieurs electriciens et e1ectrorniciens/ingenieures electricicennes et electroniciennes, 2133 speialistes en te1ecommunications
Ingenieurs/ingenieures en aerospatiale, 2146 specialistes en cellule d'aeronef
2147 Ingenieurs informaficiens/ingenieures informaticiennes
Machinistes et verificateurs/verificatrices d'usinage et d'outillage, 7231 regleurs-conducteurs/reg1euses-conductrices de machines-outils en general; regleurs-conducteurs/regleuses-conductrices de machines-outils a commande numerique
7232 Outilleurs-ajusteurs/outiileuses-ajusteuses
Professionnels/professionnelles des services aux entreprises de gestion, 1122 specialistes en analyse des methodes et procedures
Progmmmeurs/programmeuses, 2163 prgrammeus/programrneuses scientifiques; prograrnineurs/ programmeuses d'applications
6221 Specialistes des ventes techniques, vente en gros
Technologues et techniciens/techniciennes en chimie appliquee, 2211 specialistes en agro-alimentaire
Technologues et techniciens/techniciennes en genie industriel et en genie de fabrication, 2233 specialistes en automatisation (programmeurs/programmeuses au reg1age numerique de machines-outils)
Technologues et techniciens/techniciennes en genie mecanique, 2232 specialistes en genie mecanique; speciaiistes en e1ectromecanique
2243 Techniciens/techniciennes et mecaniciens/mecaniciennes d'instruments industriels
Traducteurs/traductrices, terminologues et interpretes, 5125 traducteurs/traductrices avec maitrise du francais et de l'anglais; interpretes de conferences avec maitrise du francais et de l'anglais
- Cette liste est autorisee par le ministre responsable de la Loi sur l'immigration au Quebec
- Cette liste indique les professions au sens de La Classification nationale des professions (CNP) autorisee par le ministre federal de l'Emploi et de l'Immigration
2151 Architectes
2154 Arpenteurs-geometres/arpenteuses-geometres
Autres professionnels/professionnelles en diagnostic Ct en traitement de la sante
3123 podiatres
4112 Avocats/avocates et notaires
3122 Chiropraticiens/chiropraticiennes
3113 Dentistes
3221 Denturologistes
3152 Infirmiers dip1omes/infirmieres diplomees
2131 a 2148 Ingenieurs/ingenieures (les differentes specialites a 1'exception du genie forestier)
4142 Instituteurs/institutrices a la maternelle et au niveau primaire
3111 edecins specialistes
3112 mrnpraticiens/omrnpraticiennes et medecins en medecine familiale
3121 ptometristes
3131 harmaciens/pharmaciennes
4141 rofesseurs/professeures au niveau secondaire
Sages-femmes et praticiens/praticiennes des medecines douces
3232 acupuncteurs/acupunctrices
Sherifs et huissiers/huissieres
6461 huissiers/huissieres
Technologues en radiologie
3215 technologues en radiologie diagnostique
1111 Verificateurs/verificatrices et comptables
3114 Veterinaires
Prospective applicants are reminded that assessment under the Quebec Selection Criteria is also available via the online assessment form at the Campbell, Cohen Web Site.
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