Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

CIC News
Published: November 1, 1998

In June of 1998, the province of Manitoba signed the Provincial Nominee Agreement, allowing for the selection and nomination of prospective immigrants.

A separate selection criteria was created for evaluation of such applicants. Applicants exceeding the minimum requisite 55 points are eligible for nomination.

The application for nomination is submitted within Canada, to the Immigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch of the Province of Manitoba. Following consideration by a Program Officer, the application for permanent resident status is subsequently submitted to the Citizenship and Immigration Department.

The following is the Selection system for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee program:

Factor 1. Age

The principal applicant is entitled to between zero and ten units of assessment depending on his/her age at the time that the application reaches the office Manitoba. Maximum points are granted for those applicants between the ages of 21 and 44 years of age.
Age 18 19 20 21-44 45 46 47 48 49+
Total Points 4 6 8 10 8 6 4 2 0

Factor 2. Education

A maximum of 16 units of assessment are granted for the principal applicant's highest level of education completed.

Highest Level of Education Completed / Score

  • Secondary school incomplete / 0
  • Completion of secondary school in a program that does not qualify for university entrance, OR trade or occupational certificate / 5
  • Completion of secondary school in a program that qualifies for university entrance, OR includes trade or occupational certification / 10
  • Completion of a post-secondary program or apprenticeship training at a college or trade school which included at least two full time years of class-room study / 13
  • Completion of a university degree in a program which required at least three years of full time class-room study / 15
  • Completion of a second (e.g. Master's) or third (e.g. Doctorate) level university degree / 16

Factor 3. Occupational Demand

Effective September 29, 1998, applicants with intended occupations in the following occupations (HDO-PNM List A) receive 15 units of assessment:

Accountants, Composite Technicians (Aerospace Industry), Computer Numerical Control Machine Tool Operators, Computer Programmers, Computer Systems Analysts, Early Childhood Educators/Daycare Managers (equivalent to Manitoba Level II and III workers only), Electrical Technicians & Technologists, Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Electronics Service Technicians, Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Hog Barn/Unit Managers, Machinists (General), Mechanical Engineers, Sheet Metal Workers, Tool and Die Makers, Welders

Effective September 29, 1998, applicants with intended occupations in the following occupations (HDO-PNM List B) receive 10 units of assessment:

Actuaries, Aircraft Assemblers, Aircraft Assembly Inspectors, Carpenters, Computer Engineers, Drywall Installers (plasterer, finisher), Industrial Instrument Technicians, Industrial Instrument Mechanics, Industrial Electricians, Industrial Engineering Technicians, Manufacturing Technicians, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Plumbers, Residential Construction Electricians

The principal applicant may be required to meet provincial licensing requirements prior to eligibility for the Provincial Nominee Program.

Factor 4. Guaranteed Employment

A written offer of employment from a Manitoba employer will allow for a maximum of 10 units of assessment if:

* the employment is permanent and full time;
* the employment is consistent with the applicant's education, training, and experience;
* demonstration of licensing and/or registration eligibility can be demonstrated if applicable
* the employment is within the province of Manitoba

If the guaranteed employment is in an occupation appearing on List A or B above, 10 units of assessment are granted. 8 units of assessment are granted if the above criteria are met for an occupation which does not appear on either list.

* List A or B may be changed periodically.

Factor 5: Occupational Demand - Spouse

If the spouse of the principal applicant possesses guaranteed employment is in an occupation appearing on List A or B above, 7 units of assessment are granted.

If the occupation does not appear on either list, 5 units of assessment are granted if the guaranteed employment criteria are met for the principal applicant's spouse.

3 units of assessment are granted if the principal applicant's spouse possesses an intended occupation appearing on either List A or B.

Factor 6. Work Experience

One unit of assessment is granted for each six months of experience the principal applicant possesses in his/her intended occupation. A maximum of 8 units of assessment may be obtained.

Factor 7. Language

A maximum of 10 units of assessment may be obtained in the case that the principal applicant is fluent in English, French, or both. Otherwise, the following table is used to determine the score granted (English and French language skills each entitle an applicant to a possible score):

Skill / Level Description / Score

  • Fluent / Very good command of the language in a range of social and work situations. No difficulty communicating in a professional manner. / 8 to 10
  • Well / Can communicate reasonably well about personal and familiar things. / 4 to 7
  • With / Difficulty Can speak, read and/or write only a few basic words. / 0 to 3

Factor 8. Adaptability

This factor is used to assess the principal applicant's potential for successful settlement in Manitoba, according to the following guidelines.

Characteristics / Score

  • Applicant's OR spouse's brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident is living in Manitoba / 10
  • Applicant has been recruited by a community group or regional representative. * / 10
  • Applicant has studied for at least 2 years at a university or college in Manitoba. / 7
  • Applicant has worked in Manitoba for at least one in the last five years (not including work done during studies as part of educational requirement). / 7
  • Applicant has visited Manitoba within the last 3 years. / 5
  • None of the above criteria are met by the applicant or spouse. 0

* community or regional representatives in Manitoba who establish formal communication with Manitoba's Immigration Promotion and Recruitment Branch in order to: identify labour market shortages; secure employment; and to coordinate settlement supports for Provincial Nominees. These representatives assist in identifying potential nominees.

General Assessment: A Program Officer may award a maximum of 10 additional units of assessment in the presence of other factors which may contribute to an applicant's likelihood of successfully settling within Manitoba.

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