Q & A: Live-in-Caregiver

CIC News
Published: June 1, 2000

Q. The application of myself and my family has been processed, and we are awaiting landing documents. Once approved, can our nanny accompany us to Canada?

Answer: Provisions exist by which you may request inclusion as a "de facto family member." In our experience, however, applications for such inclusion are often not accepted, and may delay your own application.

A program does exist which allows for the sponsorship of live-in-care-givers by Canadians. The candidate is expected to be resident in the household of the Canadian employer. The candidates would otherwise need to provide

(a) evidence of the equivalent of a Canadian secondary school education;
(b) proof of six moths training in the field OR 12 months prior related experience;
(c) proof of sufficient English or French language abilities;
(d) a valid and subsisting passport;
(e) and a police certificate.

If these needs are met, the application must first be processed through a local Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) office, where the validity of the offer is verified, and the impact on the local job market assessed. The employer would also be required to obtain a Revenue Canada Taxation number. The Canadian employer may be required to provide evidence that a search for a Canadian candidate had been held, and had failed.

The stages of the application process are, therefore, as follows:

1. Documentation of a search for a Canadian candidate locally by the prospective employer;
2. Application for validation through HRDC;
3. If approved, application for employment authorization under the Live-in-Caregiver program;
4. After two years, application for permanent residence from within Canada for the employee, if he/she so wishes.

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