
Q & A: Institutions on the CCPE List

Q. My university does not appear on the CCPE list, although it is larger and more prestigious from other universities in my country that do appear on the list. Does this prevent my eligibility to immigrate to Canada?

Answer: Appearance of an applicant’s institution on the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) list does not exempt that individual from the requirement of CCPE assessment, and does not automatically mean approval. Similarly, the absence from this list does not necessarily mean that an applicant is not eligible for a positive CCPE assessment.

Even in the absence of such a positive assessment, the Immigration Laws or official policies do not preclude eligibility as an Engineer if the applicant is otherwise able to demonstrate employability in Canada as an Engineer.

Finally, in the absence of CCPE approval, approval by the Canadian Council of Technicians and Techologists (CCTT) may remain possible, and may allow for success in the immigration application process.

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