Q & A: General Occupations List vs. National

CIC News
Published: October 1, 2000

Q. I have seen the 'standard' NOC listed on many web sites some differing slightly in content, but each time it only contains around 300 occupations.

Can anyone tell me where I can see/access the complete/full unabridged listing? The one that contains EVERY occupation (and all sub-categories) and the related ETF/NOC points?

Answer: There is an important distinction between the NOC (National Occupational Classification) and the GOL (General Occupations List). The document that you have referred to above is the GOL, and lists the NOC designations that are considered "open" for immigration to Canada. These occupations have an assigned occupational demand (1-10), and an ETF (Education and Training Factor, 1-18) based on the ETI ratings (Education and Training Indicator) assigned in the NOC.

Each NOC designation (i.e., "2147"), including those listed on the GOL, contains numerous sub-classifications which are specifically defined (i.e., ".1" or ".2"), or which are included within the definition(s) provided.

The full NOC does, in fact, contain hundreds (possibly thousands) more occupations than are listed on the GOL. For the purpose of immigration as a skilled worker, however, those occupations are not considered open, and would require arranged employment for eligibility. As a result, the
occupational demand for each is zero, and no ETF rating is assigned.

Unless you have arranged employment in Canada, in which case a Human Resources and Development Canada office would assign the proper NOC code, you must concern yourself only with those occupations which are listed on
the GOL.

See the following URLs for more information:



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