
News Briefs – Regulations for Immigration Consultants

The federal government plans to introduce regulations to govern immigration consultants. At the present time such regulations do exit and are needed to protect the public against unscrupulous immigration consultants. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the Honourable Denis Coderre recently said that “there are too many horror stories” and that the time as come to regulate this field. He also indicated that “the people who are really professional, and there are some, they are pleased with my announcement because they say it’s about time we are doing something about it”.

Minister Coderre plans to set up a committee to study the question and make some recommendations and hopes that by the fall there will be an action plan in place leading to the regulations.

More than 250,000 new permanent residents in 2001

The Honourable Denis Coderre, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration announced on April 17, the 250,386 immigrants had come to Canada in 2001, which reflects an increase of 10% over last year’s number of 227,327. The number of newcomers who were landed in Canada in 2001 exceeded the target of 200,000 to 225,000 set for last year, by 25,386. 61% of those 250,385 people, were economic immigrants.

Minister Coderre stated that: ” The release of the 2001 census data provided a timely reminder that Canada needs immigrants if it is going to continue to grow and prosper”. He also indicates that: ” Immigration has always been a key factor to in building our country and will continue to play an important role in strengthening our economy, society and cultural diversity”.

It is expected that by 2011, all of Canada’s labour force growth will likely be accounted for by immigrants. It is also anticipated that by 2026, the country’s population will grow solely through the arrival of immigrants.

L’accès des immigrants aux professions sera facilité

L’accès des immigrants diplômés à l’étranger à des professions régies par des ordres professionnels au Québec devrait enfin être facilité.

C’est ce qu’a indiqué lundi le ministre délégué aux Relations avec les citoyens et à l’Immigration, André Boulerice, devant des gens représentant certains de ces ordres professionnels et le Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec.

Ce problème de la reconnaissance au Québec des médecins, ingénieurs, infirmières orthophonistes, audiologistes et autres formés à l’étranger ne date pas d’hier. Mais le ministre Boulerice assure que les choses vont changer. «Il faut revoir nos façons de faire.’

Pour l’instant cependant, le ministre a surtout annoncé davantage d’information, de la formation et deux projets pilotes, avec l’Ordre des infirmières et l’Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes.

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