
Canadian Immigration News Briefs for Mid-October 2012

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The following is a summary of developments concerning Canadian Citizenship and Immigration that took place or were announced over the last two weeks.

Immigrant Entrepreneurs Honoured in Ottawa

Five outstanding immigrant entrepreneurs were bestowed with the first ever Immigrant Entrepreneur Awards ceremony.  >>Read more…

Ontario Wants 135,000 New Immigrants Each Year  

An expert roundtable on immigration to Ontario has concluded that immigration to the province should be increased to 1% of its population, or approximately 135,000 people a year. Of this number, it is advised that at least 65-70% come economic immigration classes. >>Read more…

Canada Seeks to Attract British and Irish Workers

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney recently traveled to the United Kingdom on a formal business trip. The primary objective of his 5-day trip is to encourage young British and Irish graduates to consider coming to Canada to live and work. >>Read more…

Vancouver’s Reputation is “Best in the World”

A recent poll of over 18,000 people from the world’s G8 countries revealed that Vancouver tops the list of the world’s most “reputable” cities. >>Read more…

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