
Canadian Immigration News Briefs for September 2013

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The following is a summary of developments concerning Canadian Citizenship and Immigration that took place or were announced over the last month.

Canadian Immigration Officers among Those Killed in Nairobi Attack

Annemarie Desloges, a Canadian consular officer, was one of two Canadians killed in last Saturday’s terrorist attack in Nairobi. >>Read more…

Changes Made to Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program

On Friday, September 13th, the Province of Alberta announced several changes to its Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP). >>Read more…

More Than a Quarter of British Columbia’s Population was Born Abroad

Statistics Canada has begun to release data drawn from its 2011 census. It comes as no surprise that Canada holds its place as one of the most diverse countries in the world. >>Read more…

New Brunswick’s Temporary Pause for Business Applicants

Each year, New Brunswick welcomes several hundred immigrants through the New Brunswick Provincial Nomination Program (NBPNP). >>Read more…

 New Biometric Requirements Take Force

As of Wednesday, September 5th, some temporary residents in Canada will have to provide biometric data in order to enter the country. >>Read more…

 Student Visa Issuances not Hindered by Visa Officer Strike

Despite an ongoing strike by some Canadian Foreign Service officers, Canada has issued more study permits than last year. >>Read more…

 Legal Action Challenges Quebec Immigration Changes

Legal proceedings were initiated today by the law firms of Campbell Cohen (David Cohen) and Irving Mitchell Kalichman (Mathieu Bouchard) in an effort to prevent the government of the Province of Quebec from applying new (amended) immigration regulations retroactively. >>Read more…

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