
Information on Future Express Entry Draw(s)

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Recent months have seen a consistent trend of Express Entry draws occurring every two weeks on Wednesday morning. Following the previous draw on May 31, 2017, candidates in the Express Entry pool may have expected a further draw on the morning of June 14. As of the time of writing, no such draw has occurred — but candidates may be encouraged by the explanation from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) as to why the next draw may occur later than candidates may have expected.

On June 6, 2017, IRCC introduced further improvements to the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) for Express Entry. Additional points were introduced for candidates in the Express Entry pool with a sibling in Canada, and for candidates with strong French ability.

At the time of those changes, IRCC stated that ‘the CRS scores of all profiles in the pool will be updated automatically before the next invitation round after the updates. This could take up to two weeks.’

Consequently, it may be some days until the next draw occurs, as IRCC is updating the CRS points score for all profiles in the pool. Candidates who stand to gain points as a result of the June 6 changes may be assured those points will be counted in their score for the next draw. Furthermore, contrary to the last time IRCC reformed the CRS on November 19, 2016, no candidates in the Express Entry pool lost CRS points as a direct result of the changes on June 6.

IRCC had confirmed that profiles are automatically updated according to the information entered by the candidate. If a candidate has not declared a sibling in Canada, or the results of a recognized French test he or she may have taken, it is strongly encouraged to update this information in the profile in order to receive the additional points.

It can be expected that the next draw may occur in coming days, when IRCC has completed its update of profiles in the pool. Individuals who are considering entering the pool are encouraged to begin preparing a profile as soon as possible, in order to be in a position to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) in a future draw.

To find out if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada permanently through one of the programs managed through the Express Entry system, or through any other available Canadian immigration program, fill out a free online assessment form today.
Candidates who have received an ITA and want to learn more about the next steps may complete this short form.

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