
Saskatchewan invites Express Entry, Occupation In-Demand candidates in new draw

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Saskatchewan issued 138 invitations to apply for a provincial nomination for Canadian permanent residence to Express Entry and Occupation In-Demand candidates in a selection round held March 6.

A total of 70 invitations were issued through Saskatchewan’s Express Entry sub-category and another 68 were issued through the Occupation In-Demand sub-category.

Saskatchewan’s Express Entry sub-category allows the province to nominate skilled worker candidates with a profile in the federal Express Entry system.

The Express Entry system manages the pool of candidates for Canada’s three Federal High Skilled economic immigration categories — the Federal Skilled Worker ClassFederal Skilled Trades Class and Canadian Experience Class.

Express Entry candidates with a provincial nomination receive an additional 600 points toward their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, effectively guaranteeing an invitation to apply for Canadian permanent residence.

Find out if you are eligible to enter Canada’s Express Entry Pool

The Occupation In-Demand sub-category is not linked to the Express Entry system.

In order to be considered for a provincial nomination through Saskatchewan’s Express Entry or Occupation In-Demand sub-category, the first step is to register an Expression of Interest (EOI) profile with the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).

Eligible candidates receive a score based on factors including their education, skilled work experience, proficiency in English or French and connections to Saskatchewan and are entered into the pool for their respective immigration sub-category.

Candidates for both the Express Entry and Occupation In-Demand sub-categories must have work experience in a high-skilled profession on Saskatchewan’s In-Demand Occupations List.

A set number of the highest-ranked profiles are then invited to apply for a provincial nomination through regular draws from the pool of candidates for both sub-categories.

The lowest-ranked candidate invited through the SINP’s Express Entry sub-category on March 6 had a score of 67 while the lowest-ranked candidate invited through the In-Demand Occupation sub-category had a score of 81.

The March 6 draw came less than two weeks after the SINP held an Express Entry-focused draw on February 27 that issued 83 invitations.

The SINP has now issued a total of 515 invitations through its Express Entry sub-category and 302 invitations through its Occupation In-Demand sub-category in 2019.

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