Ontario invites international student graduates and workers in five PNP draws

Shelby Thevenot
Published: March 1, 2022

Over the past two days Ontario has held five draws inviting immigration candidates to apply for a provincial nomination. About 1,493 immigration candidates are now one step closer to becoming permanent residents in Ontario.

On February 28, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) invited 173 immigration candidates who may be eligible for the  PhD Graduate stream. To be eligible, candidates needed a minimum Expression of Interest (EOI) score of at least 16.

Then on March 1, Ontario invited Masters Graduate, Foreign Worker, and International Student stream candidates.

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Ontario PNP draw results February 28 and March 1, 2022

PNP streamMinimum score# of invitations
Master's Graduate41238
Foreign Worker39456
International Student72411
International Student *targeted occupations42215
PhD Graduate16173
Total Invitations-1,493

The OINP also issued targeted invitations to International Student stream candidates with a score of 42 and above who have work experience in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes below:

  • 2232 - Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
  • 2233 - Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
  • 2242 - Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)
  • 2243 - Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
  • 2253 - Drafting technologists and technicians
  • 2282 - User support technicians
  • 2283 - Information systems testing technicians
  • 7201 - Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
  • 7202 - Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
  • 7203 - Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades
  • 7204 - Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
  • 7205 - Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
  • 7232 - Tool and die makers
  • 7233 - Sheet metal workers
  • 7236 – Ironworkers
  • 7241 - Electricians (except industrial and power system)
  • 7242 - Industrial electricians
  • 7251 – Plumbers
  • 7271 – Carpenters
  • 7281 – Bricklayers
  • 7282 - Concrete finishers
  • 7284 - Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
  • 7291 - Roofers and shinglers
  • 7293 – Insulators
  • 7294 - Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
  • 7301 - Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
  • 7302 - Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
  • 7303 - Supervisors, printing and related occupations
  • 7305 - Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
  • 7311 - Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
  • 7312 - Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
  • 7313 - Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
  • 7314 - Railway carmen/women
  • 7315 - Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
  • 7318 - Elevator constructors and mechanics
  • 7321 - Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
  • 7333 - Electrical mechanics
  • 7334 - Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics
  • 7371 - Crane operators
  • 8255 - Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services
  • 9241 - Power engineers and power systems operators

How do you get points for Ontario immigration?

Ontario ranks EOI profiles based on a number of human capital factors that the province has decided will be important in selecting immigrants with the potential to thrive. Candidates get points for the skill level of their job offer as well as their Canadian work experience.

The OINP scoring system is different for every stream. Other than skill level and work experience, it also takes into account wage, education, official language ability, and the region of study or work. The province also allocates 10 points at its discretion to respond to labour market needs.

About the Employer Job Offer: International Student stream

The Ontario International Student Stream under the Employer Job Offer category is open to foreign nationals who have an eligible job offer from an employer in Ontario.

You do not necessarily have to apply from within Canada, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

To be eligible you need to have completed a program at a Canadian Designated Learning Institution, have an eligible job offer in Ontario, and intend to immigrate to the province, among other criteria.

To receive an invitation to apply for this program, you have to register an EOI profile on the Ontario website. Your profile will then go into the EOI pool, and you will get a score based on the files you submit. Ontario awards points for human capital factors that the province has determined will indicate your ability to integrate into the labour market.

About the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream

The Ontario Foreign Worker Stream under the Employer Job Offer category is open to foreign nationals who have an eligible job offer from an employer in Ontario. Candidates do not necessarily have to apply from within Canada, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.

To be eligible candidates need to accumulate the equivalent of two years of work experience in a skilled occupation, have an eligible job offer in Ontario, and intend to immigrate to the province, among other criteria.

Those who want to apply for this PNP stream, have to register an EOI profile on the Ontario website.

After registering a profile, it will go into the EOI pool. Ontario will give it a score based on the information that was submitted.

About Masters Graduate and PhD Graduate streams

In order to be considered for the Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate stream, candidates need to sign up with Ontario’s e-Filing Portal then register an expression of interest for their chosen graduate stream.

Ontario then invites eligible candidates to apply for a provincial nomination, an important step toward Canadian permanent residence.

It is not necessary to have a job offer to apply, but applications must be submitted within two years of graduation.

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